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Welcome to HCDG

HCDG sustains critical services and jobs in America's largest industry, which is under tremendous financial stress from the realities of healthcare reform, diminishing reimbursements and rising costs.

Our primary mission is to attract and/or provide investment capital for healthcare-related projects in low-income communities across America, and maintain accountability to the residents of the low-income communities served.

We provide critical strategic and financial expertise which can enable clients such as not-for-profit hospitals to efficiently pursue and obtain significant project funding cost reductions through the use of New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs).

Tapping into its parent company's (SSB Solutions) approximately 20 years healthcare management consulting track record -- HCDG is available to spearhead the process of attracting both the capital you need as well as NMTCs which can act like equity to reduce your financing cost and new debt burden.

NMTCs are available through federally-sanctioned Community Development Entities (CDE's) to encourage investment support for the creation, expansion and survival of businesses located in particularly economically-distressed communities which can or already do make a significantly positive impact on the surrounding low income communities across America where they are located. HCDG has been created to focus on applying this cost reduction tool to the nation's healthcare industry.


Reduce Project Costs by

Approximately 16 to 20%

With NMTC Subsidization

Copyright 2011.  Healthcare Community Development Group LLC

All Rights Reserved.

As your lead consultant, HCDG

will bring together and manage the legal, accounting, lenders, underwriters, and investors that are all needed to reduce healthcare funding costs with New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs).

Click here to learn more about how qualified providers can leverage available resources with NMTCs.


NMTCs may potentially be used to reduce the cost of the following types of projects and financing structures:

Fueled by the Intellectual Capital of SSB Solutions

To learn more about the value SSB provides to HCDG, please visit www.ssbsolutions.com where you can view a partial list of its nationwide healthcare industry clients and see other areas of healthcare consulting services.

See our recent article on the value of NMTC's to healthcare providers published by the Healthcare Financial Management Association